Home » Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement: Insider Tips

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement: Insider Tips

The Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine provides red light therapy and vibrating plate toning in an enclosed booth. This therapy stimulates collagen, reduces inflammation, and can be used before or after workouts for warming up and energizing.

Red light therapy benefits exposed areas, and clothing can be worn during the treatment for comfort and ease. Users have reported positive experiences with the Total Body Enhancement machine, feeling its effects on their overall wellness and physical readiness. For a convenient and effective way to enhance your fitness journey, consider incorporating the Total Body Enhancement machine into your routine at Planet Fitness.

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement: Insider Tips

Credit: relentlessforwardcommotion.com

Table of Contents

Preparing For The Session

Preparing for a Total Body Enhancement session at Planet Fitness involves understanding the process and ensuring a smooth experience. Proper preparation can enhance the benefits of the treatment.

Making An Appointment

To utilize the Total Body Enhancement machine at Planet Fitness, it’s essential to make an appointment in advance. Plan your session accordingly to ensure availability and convenience.

Etiquette In Using The Machine

  • Arrive on time for your appointment to respect others’ schedules.
  • Wipe down the machine before and after use to maintain hygiene.
  • Follow the instructions provided by the staff for an optimal experience.
  • Be mindful of the time limit to allow others to use the machine.

Machine Details

Experience the Total Body Enhancement machine at Planet Fitness, an enclosed red light therapy booth that surrounds you with LEDs for a rejuvenating experience. Stand on the vibrating plate to tone your whole body.

Total Body Enhancement Room Tour

When you step into the Total Body Enhancement room at Planet Fitness, you’ll be greeted by a state-of-the-art machine that offers both red light therapy and vibration therapy. This private room is designed to provide you with a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

Understanding Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level red light wavelengths to stimulate cellular activity. As you enter the Total Body Enhancement machine, you’ll be surrounded by LEDs that emit these red light wavelengths, much like an upright tanning bed or red light therapy bed.

During the red light therapy treatment, you’ll also stand on a vibrating plate that helps tone your entire body, making this machine a perfect addition to your workout routine.

Machine Overview

The Total Body Enhancement machine is equipped with a control panel that allows you to customize your experience. Here are some of the features you’ll find:

  • Fan Settings: Adjust the fan speed to your liking, ensuring optimal comfort throughout your session.
  • Music Settings: Connect your device via Bluetooth to listen to your favorite tunes while enjoying the treatment.
  • Vibration Level Settings: Choose from different vibration intensity levels to suit your preferences.
  • Volume Settings: Control the volume of the audio guide that provides instructions during the session.
  • Bluetooth Settings: Pair your device with the machine for a personalized audio experience.
  • Audio Guide Settings: Customize the audio guide’s language and speed for a seamless experience.

You can also expect a cool-down period at the end of your session, during which you can wipe down the machine with the provided cleaning materials.

In Conclusion

The Total Body Enhancement machine at Planet Fitness offers a total body experience, combining the benefits of red light therapy and vibration therapy. With its customizable settings and relaxing environment, it’s a great addition to your fitness routine. So, step into the Total Body Enhancement room and let the machine work its magic on your body and mind.

Settings & Features

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement: Settings & Features

The Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine offers a range of settings and features to customize your experience. Whether it’s adjusting the fan speed, music volume, or vibration levels, the control panel provides options to tailor the session to your preferences. Let’s explore the specific settings and features this machine offers.

Control Panel Functions

The control panel of the Total Body Enhancement machine allows users to manage various aspects of their session. It controls the fan, music, vibration, and other settings to ensure a personalized experience.

Adjusting Fan, Music & Vibration Levels

Users can customize their experience by adjusting the fan speed, music volume, and vibration levels according to their comfort and preferences. The machine offers flexibility in these settings, allowing individuals to create an environment that best suits their needs.

Getting The Best Experience

If you want to maximize the benefits of the Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement experience, it’s essential to understand how to use it effectively. By incorporating a well-planned cool-down routine and adhering to the optimal frequency of usage, you can ensure that your sessions are as effective as possible.

Cool-down Routine

To optimize your Total Body Enhancement experience, incorporating a post-session cool-down routine is crucial. After the session, consider spending a few minutes engaging in light stretching, focusing on the areas of your body that were targeted during the treatment. Gentle stretching can help alleviate any tension and promote relaxation, enhancing the overall impact of the therapy. Also, ensure to hydrate your body adequately post-session to aid in the recovery process.

Frequency Of Usage Tips

Maintaining a consistent frequency of usage is key to reaping the full benefits of the Total Body Enhancement. It’s recommended to start with 2-3 sessions per week, allowing your body to adapt gradually. As your body becomes accustomed, you may increase the frequency to 4-5 sessions per week for optimal results. However, it’s important to listen to your body and not overdo it. Resting periods between sessions are essential to prevent overexertion and ensure the sustainability of your routine.


User Experiences & Reviews

When it comes to user experiences and reviews of the Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine, the general consensus is overwhelmingly positive. Users have reported noticeable improvements in their overall body tone and skin texture after consistent use of the machine. Here are some insider tips and reviews that can help you make an informed decision.

Insider Tips & Reviews

  • Many users recommend using the Total Body Enhancement machine before or after a workout to maximize the benefits of the vibrating plate.
  • It is advisable to make an appointment to use the machine, as it can be popular and have limited availability during peak hours.
  • When entering the Total Body Enhancement room, it is recommended to follow the instructions provided and to sanitize the machine before and after use.
  • Wearing comfortable and breathable clothing is recommended for the session, as the therapy targets exposed areas of the body.
  • The machine provides a range of settings, including vibration levels, fan settings, music settings, and more. Experimenting with these settings can help personalize the experience.
  • Many users find that using the machine 2-3 times a week yields the best results, but individual schedules and goals may vary.

Comparison With Alternatives

When it comes to red light therapy and vibration therapy, the Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine offers several advantages over alternatives. While other devices may focus solely on red light therapy or vibration therapy, this machine combines both, providing users with a comprehensive full-body treatment.

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement Alternatives
Combines red light therapy and vibration therapy May only offer one of the two therapies
Enclosed booth surrounds users with LEDs May have open designs or different light sources
Targets exposed areas for maximum benefits May not provide targeted therapy
Provides customizable settings for personalized experience May have limited or predetermined settings

Overall, the Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine has received positive reviews and is a popular choice for those looking to enhance their overall body tone and skin texture. By combining red light therapy and vibration therapy, this machine offers a unique and effective treatment option that sets it apart from alternatives.

Common Questions

Common Questions:

Clothing In Total Body Enhancement:

When using the Total Body Enhancement machine at Planet Fitness, you are allowed to wear clothes. The red light therapy targets exposed areas of the body, so wearing clothes will not hinder the effectiveness of the treatment.

Effectiveness & Benefits:

Red light therapy at Planet Fitness has been scientifically proven to stimulate collagen and elastin production while reducing inflammation. The Total Body Enhancement treatment includes standing on a vibrating plate to help tone the whole body, providing a holistic approach to wellness.

Integration With Workouts

Enhance your workout routine at Planet Fitness with the Total Body Enhancement machine. This red light therapy and vibration therapy combo helps to warm up your body before a workout, stimulating collagen, and reducing inflammation for an effective and energizing session.

The vibrating plate also aids in toning the whole body while you experience the benefits of red light therapy.

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine can seamlessly integrate with your workout routine. Let’s delve into how the timing of using this machine before or after your workout can impact your fitness journey, along with strategies to maximize your workout results.


Timing Before Or After Workout

Utilizing the Total Body Enhancement machine before your workout can
enhance blood flow and muscle activation, priming your body for exercise. On the other hand, using it after your workout can aid in recovery and muscle relaxation. Professionals recommend experimenting to determine which timing suits your body best.


Maximizing Workout Results

To maximize your workout results with the Total Body Enhancement machine, consider factors like
consistency and frequency of usage. Incorporate the machine into your routine regularly to experience its full benefits. Additionally, combining it with a balanced diet and adequate rest can amplify your fitness outcomes.

Incorporating the Total Body Enhancement machine into your workout routine strategically can elevate your fitness journey, leading to improved performance and recovery. Timing and consistency play pivotal roles in harnessing the potential of this innovative technology.

Scientific Insights

The Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement is a treatment combining red light therapy and vibration therapy. Red light has been scientifically proven to stimulate collagen and elastin, while the vibration helps tone the whole body. Users can experience the benefits before or after a workout.

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement is not just another trendy fitness gadget. It’s backed by scientific research and offers a variety of benefits. In this section, we’ll explore the scientific insights behind the effectiveness of the Total Body Enhancement machine.

Collagen Stimulation With Red Light

One of the key features of the Total Body Enhancement machine is red light therapy. Red light has been shown to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, promoting a more youthful appearance. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin, while elastin allows the skin to bounce back after being stretched or compressed.

When exposed to red light, cells in the skin absorb the light energy, which triggers a series of biological processes. These processes stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, leading to improved skin texture, reduced wrinkles, and increased firmness.

Impact Of Led Light Intensity

The effectiveness of the Total Body Enhancement machine is directly related to the intensity of the LED lights it uses. The intensity of light is measured in milliwatts per square centimeter (mW/cm2). The higher the intensity, the more light energy is delivered to the skin.

Studies have shown that higher light intensity can lead to better results in terms of collagen stimulation and skin rejuvenation. However, it’s important to note that excessive light intensity can also have harmful effects. That’s why the Total Body Enhancement machine is designed to provide optimal light intensity for safe and effective treatment.

By carefully controlling the intensity of the LED lights, the Total Body Enhancement machine ensures that users receive the maximum benefits without risking any negative side effects.

In conclusion, the Total Body Enhancement machine offers scientifically backed benefits through its red light therapy feature. By stimulating collagen production and controlling LED light intensity, it helps users achieve healthier, more youthful-looking skin. So, why not give it a try and experience the transformative effects for yourself?

Community Feedback

The Total Body Enhancement machine at Planet Fitness has been garnering attention from members, who have been actively sharing their experiences and observations about its effectiveness in improving their overall health and fitness. The community feedback has provided valuable insights into the tangible benefits of using this innovative technology at the gym.

Results Sharing In Fitness Community

The fitness community has been enthusiastic about sharing their results from using the Total Body Enhancement machine. Many users have reported positive outcomes, including enhanced muscle recovery, improved skin texture, and increased energy levels. These firsthand accounts have contributed to building a community-driven understanding of the potential advantages of incorporating the Total Body Enhancement into one’s fitness routine.


Effectiveness Fact Check

The Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine offers red light therapy and vibration therapy to help tone the whole body. You can use it before or after a workout to warm up and shake things up for optimal results.

Red Light Therapy Efficacy

Red light therapy, a major component of the Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement, has been widely studied for its efficacy in various domains.

The scientific evidence supports that red light therapy promotes wound healing, reduces inflammation, and stimulates collagen production. A clinical study by Avci et al. demonstrated significant improvement in skin complexion and collagen density.

Scientific Studies On Vibrating Plate Effects

Scientific research on vibrating plate effects indicates promising results. A study in the Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions showed an improvement in muscle strength and flexibility with whole-body vibration therapy.

Additionally, a meta-analysis by Marin et al. concluded that vibrating plates have a positive effect on muscular performance and may enhance blood circulation.

Personalized Recommendations

Elevate your workout with personalized recommendations in the Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement experience. Tailored red light therapy sessions and vibrating plate exercises provide a holistic approach to achieving your fitness goals.

Tips For Customizing Your Session

When it comes to getting the most out of your Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement experience, personalized recommendations can make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you customize your session:

  • Understand your goals: Before stepping into the Total Body Enhancement machine, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your fitness goals. Whether you’re looking to improve muscle tone, reduce cellulite, or enhance skin health, knowing what you want to achieve will help you tailor your session.
  • Adjust the settings: The Total Body Enhancement machine offers various settings that allow you to adjust the intensity of both the red light therapy and vibrations. Experiment with different levels to find what works best for you and provides the desired results.
  • Consider adding skincare products: Combining red light therapy with skincare products can amplify the benefits. Look for skincare products that complement the red light therapy by promoting collagen production, moisturizing the skin, or reducing inflammation.
  • Follow a consistent routine: To maximize the effectiveness of the Total Body Enhancement machine, consistency is key. Create a regular schedule and stick to it. Most fitness experts recommend using the machine two to three times per week to see noticeable results.

Combining Red Light Therapy With Skincare

If you want to take your Total Body Enhancement experience to the next level, consider combining red light therapy with skincare. Here’s why:

Benefits of combining red light therapy with skincare:
Promotes collagen production, which leads to improved skin elasticity and reduced wrinkles.
Helps reduce acne and blemishes by targeting bacteria and promoting the healing process.
Enhances the effectiveness of skincare products by allowing deeper penetration into the skin.
Reduces inflammation and redness, making it particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive or irritated skin.

By incorporating skincare products into your Total Body Enhancement routine, you can achieve not only a toned physique but also healthier and more radiant skin.

Long-term Benefits


The long-term benefits of utilizing Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement can lead to significant improvements in overall health and wellness. By incorporating this technology into your routine, you can experience a range of positive effects that extend beyond just physical appearance.

Potential Health & Wellness Advantages

  • Improved Circulation: The combination of red light therapy and vibration technology can enhance blood flow, promoting better circulation throughout the body.
  • Increased Muscle Tone: Regular use of Total Body Enhancement can help in toning muscles and improving muscle definition over time.
  • Boosted Energy Levels: The holistic approach of this treatment can boost energy levels and improve overall vitality.

Incorporating Total Body Enhancement In Routine

  1. Consistent Schedule: Incorporating Total Body Enhancement into your routine regularly can amplify the long-term benefits and maximize results.
  2. Holistic Well-Being: It can contribute to a holistic approach to health by addressing both physical and mental well-being through its therapeutic effects.
  3. Customized Approach: Tailoring the frequency and intensity of sessions to suit individual needs can ensure optimized long-term outcomes.


Safety Measures

Enhance your workout experience with Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement, a holistic approach combining red light therapy and vibration to promote overall wellness. Boost circulation and muscle recovery while enjoying the benefits of increased energy levels and a more toned physique.

Precautions During Total Body Enhancement

Before using the Total Body Enhancement machine, ensure you follow these safety precautions:

  • Avoid using the machine if you have certain medical conditions
  • Remove all jewelry and metal objects before entering the booth
  • Read and adhere to all instructions provided

Consulting Professionals For Guidance

It is essential to consult with healthcare professionals or fitness experts before starting a Total Body Enhancement regimen. They can provide personalized advice based on your health status.


Confidence Boost

The Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine offers more than just physical benefits – it also provides a significant confidence boost. Regular sessions using this innovative technology can have a positive impact on your self-image, mental well-being, and overall confidence.

Enhancing Self-image With Regular Sessions

One of the key ways in which the Total Body Enhancement machine boosts confidence is by enhancing self-image. The red light therapy provided by the machine has been scientifically proven to stimulate collagen and elastin production, resulting in improved skin tone, reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and an overall more youthful appearance. This can help individuals feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin.

In addition to its skin benefits, the vibrating plate in the machine offers a toning effect on the whole body. This can help individuals achieve their fitness goals more efficiently and develop a more toned and sculpted physique, which can contribute to increased confidence and body positivity.

Mental & Emotional Benefits

Beyond the physical changes, the Total Body Enhancement machine also provides mental and emotional benefits. Red light therapy has been known to improve mood and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. The gentle warmth and relaxation experienced during sessions can help individuals unwind, reduce stress levels, and promote a sense of well-being.

Moreover, the machine provides a private space where individuals can focus on themselves and their self-care. This dedicated time for self-care can help individuals prioritize their own well-being, leading to improved mental clarity, increased self-esteem, and a more positive outlook on life.

With the combination of physical and mental benefits, the Total Body Enhancement machine at Planet Fitness offers a comprehensive confidence boost. By improving self-image, promoting mental well-being, and fostering a positive outlook, this innovative technology can help individuals feel their best and radiate confidence both inside and out.

Beyond Physical Fitness

Discover the revolutionary Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine in Austin, Texas. This enclosed red light therapy booth incorporates vibrating plates to tone the whole body, offering an innovative and effective fitness experience.

Total Body Enhancement For Holistic Wellness

The Total Body Enhancement offered by Planet Fitness goes beyond physical fitness, offering a comprehensive approach to holistic wellness. It combines red light therapy and vibration therapy to provide holistic benefits to the mind and body.

Red light therapy stimulates collagen and elastin, reduces inflammation, and promotes cell regeneration, offering skincare and anti-aging benefits. Meanwhile, vibration therapy helps to improve circulation, muscle strength, and overall physical performance. These combined therapies promote holistic wellness by addressing both physical and mental well-being.

Mind-body Connection

The Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness is designed to enhance the mind-body connection. Through the use of red light therapy and vibration therapy, it not only improves physical fitness but also positively impacts mental well-being.

The soothing effects of red light therapy can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and promote relaxation. The vibration therapy aids in releasing tension, promoting mental clarity, and enhancing overall well-being. By targeting the mind-body connection, the Total Body Enhancement contributes to a holistic approach to wellness.

Paying attention to both physical and mental well-being, the Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness contributes to overall health and wellness, going beyond the traditional approach to fitness.

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement: Insider Tips

Credit: www.heraldnews.com

Extending The Glow

After a session with the Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine, you may find yourself wanting to extend the benefits of the experience. Whether it’s indulging in some post-session self-care, or adopting DIY techniques at home, it’s important to maintain and maximize the glow.

Maintaining Skin Health Post-session

What you do after a Total Body Enhancement session is just as crucial as the session itself. Proper aftercare can ensure that the glow lasts longer. Here’s how to maintain the health of your skin post-session:

  • Moisturize your skin to lock in the benefits of the red light therapy.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and supple.
  • Follow a healthy skincare routine to nourish and protect your skin.

Diy Red Light Techniques At Home

Bringing the benefits of red light therapy into your home can be a convenient way to extend the glow between Total Body Enhancement sessions. Here are some DIY red light techniques to try at home:

  1. Invest in a high-quality at-home red light therapy device.
  2. Create a relaxing environment to mimic the ambiance of a professional spa.
  3. Follow the recommended usage guidelines for your at-home red light therapy device.

Global Perspectives

Discover the global perspectives of Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement, an innovative red light therapy and vibration platform that provides a full-body rejuvenating experience. Experience the benefits of red light therapy and vibration for overall wellness at Planet Fitness. Get ready for a unique holistic approach to improve your physical well-being.

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement has gained popularity worldwide as a revolutionary method for achieving optimal health and fitness. People from different cultural backgrounds have embraced this technology, incorporating it into their fitness routines. Let’s explore the global perspectives of Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement.

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement Worldwide

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement has expanded its reach beyond Austin, Texas, where it was originally launched. As word of its remarkable benefits spread, fitness enthusiasts around the world started seeking out this innovative technology. Today, you can find Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machines in various gym branches globally.

The availability of this technology worldwide has opened up new possibilities for individuals looking to enhance their fitness journeys. Whether you’re in the United States, Australia, or any other part of the globe, you can access the power of Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement.

Cultural Variances In Use

While the core benefits of Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement remain the same across cultures, there may be some cultural variances in how people utilize this technology. Different cultures have unique approaches to health and fitness, and these perspectives can influence the way individuals incorporate Total Body Enhancement into their routines.

For example, in some cultures, people may prioritize stress reduction and relaxation during their Total Body Enhancement sessions. They may focus more on the soothing effects of red light therapy and vibration therapy to alleviate tension and promote mental well-being.

In contrast, other cultures may emphasize the physical benefits of Total Body Enhancement, utilizing it as a tool to aid in muscle toning, recovery, and overall athletic performance. They may combine Total Body Enhancement with their regular exercise routines to maximize the results.

Regardless of the cultural variances, the underlying principle of improving physical and mental well-being remains consistent. Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement offers a versatile solution that can be tailored to suit various cultural perspectives and individual preferences.

As individuals around the world continue to embrace the benefits of Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement, the global community sharing their experiences, tips, and insights on online platforms like YouTube and fitness forums has grown. This exchange of knowledge and experiences further enriches the understanding and usage of Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement worldwide.

Media Presence

Learn about the Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement, a red light therapy booth that incorporates LED lights and a vibrating plate for a full-body workout experience. Expert reviews and customer experiences shed light on the effectiveness and benefits of the treatment.

Whether clothed or not, individuals can benefit from this feature at Planet Fitness.

Youtube Reviews And Tutorials

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement has gained significant popularity on YouTube through reviews and tutorials. KevTheTrainer’s detailed tutorial covers usage, benefits, and settings. Alex Fergus delves into device specifics, red light claims, and personal experience. Additionally, Planet Fitness Australia provides a concise guide on using the machine effectively.

Social Media Buzz

Social media platforms are abuzz with discussions on the effectiveness of red light therapy at Planet Fitness. Users share their experiences and results, enhancing the machine’s reputation. Questions about wearing clothes during the treatment and the therapy’s efficacy spark engaging conversations online. It’s evident that the Total Body Enhancement machine has captured the attention of fitness enthusiasts across various social media channels.

Future Innovations

Experience the future of fitness with Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement. This innovative machine combines red light therapy and vibration therapy to tone your entire body. Step into the private room and enjoy the benefits of improved circulation, collagen production, and muscle recovery.

Future Innovations of Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement

Trends In Total Body Enhancement Technology

Upgrade your fitness routine with the latest advancements in Total Body Enhancement technology. Experience cutting-edge features designed to elevate your workout sessions.

Enhancements In User Experience

Enhance your fitness journey with improved user experiences that prioritize comfort and efficiency. Discover seamless interactions and personalized settings.

Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement: Insider Tips

Credit: www.youtube.com

Frequently Asked Questions On Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement

What Is The Total Body Enhancement In Planet Fitness?

The Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness is a red light therapy booth with LED lights and a vibrating plate for full-body toning.

Do You Wear Clothes To Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement?

Yes, you can wear clothes in the Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine to enjoy its benefits.

Does Red Light Therapy At Planet Fitness Work?

Red light therapy at Planet Fitness has been scientifically proven to stimulate collagen, reduce inflammation, and improve the overall health of the skin. However, the effectiveness may vary depending on factors such as frequency of use and power of the LED light.

Should I Use Pf Total Body Enhancement Before Or After Workout?

You should use PF total body enhancement before your workout to warm up and prepare your body for exercise. It can help shake things up in your system and get you ready for your day.

What Is The Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement Machine?

The Total Body Enhancement machine provides red light therapy and vibration therapy to help tone the whole body.


Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement offers a unique and effective way to improve your overall fitness and well-being. With the combination of red light therapy and vibration plate technology, this machine helps tone your body and stimulate collagen production. Whether you’re looking to enhance your pre-workout routine or alleviate post-workout soreness, the Total Body Enhancement machine can be a valuable addition to your fitness regimen.

Try it out at your nearest Planet Fitness location and experience the benefits for yourself. Your body will thank you.

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